Instructor/Student Rapport

Here are some tips for creating a supportive learning environment and welcoming and orienting students in your first online sessions.

These pages present strategies for:

For additional help with any resources such as instructional technologies to organize and deliver content, record videos, connect with students, administer exams, or facilitate student engagement and interaction, we are here for you. Review our readiness quiz to find which resources you would like to access. As always, feel free to contact the CTI for a consultation or visit our online drop-in hours.

Supporting Student Learning Online

Because of the newness of Fall 2020 teaching scenarios, students may be concerned about many things. They will want to know how the course has changed and what those changes mean in relation to course expectations.

Learn how to help your students adjust to your new virtual classroom and understand your expectations.

Inclusion, Accommodation, & Accessibility in Online Learning

Creating a sense of inclusion in an online learning environment or an in-person environment with remote access, requires adjustments from the traditional face-to-face environment. Learn ways to make your online teaching inclusive and accessible.

Promoting Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a vital part of building an engaging student learning experience. Online and in-person teaching environments with remote access provide unique challenges, but also opportunities to promote academic integrity. Learn considerations and tips for online academic integrity.