About Us
Founded in 2017, the Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) supports Cornell University teaching community members, from teaching assistants and postdoctoral fellows, to lecturers, to professors, with a full complement of individualized services, programs, institutes, and campus-wide initiatives. We do this through confidential developmental consultations across the academic career span, roles, and disciplines. In addition to instructors, we team with departments, schools and colleges, and related units to create and sustain multicultural, rigorous, and vibrant learning environments. To catalyze academic innovation, our team brings a deep knowledge of educational research on teaching, learning, and technologies along with a spirit of curiosity and collaboration. The CTI reports to the vice provost for academic innovation.
A Message from the Executive Director

The last academic year was politically contentious and emotionally distressing, with violent events half a world away reverberating on campus. At CTI, we did what we could to help faculty consider how to respond to the ongoing events in inclusive and supportive ways, often while navigating their own strong responses. At the same time, we talked internally about our own responses, as individuals and as a teaching center, and frequently returned to our values and mission as a touchstone.
This year, we are thinking about how to nurture and strengthen our commitment to belonging, and to the intellectually challenging exchanges of ideas that are the heart of education. We will pursue these goals through events, web resources, and an ongoing, open invitation to connect with everyone who makes up Cornell’s teaching community. We are particularly excited about our new Art of Teaching program, which will begin with a consideration of the Art of Discussion and all the skillful dexterity it takes to facilitate an intellectually invigorating and challenging exchange of ideas in real time.
We wish you a semester filled with learning and connection.
Rob Vanderlan, Executive Director
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