Faculty & Instructors
The Center offers the Cornell teaching community a range of grants and awards to support the implementation of innovative and evidence-based teaching methods. In addition, we collaborate in supporting other campus-wide initiatives.
Contact us by telephone, email, or drop in to the Center for more information.
Active Learning Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 Department Grant Competition
The Provost's office, together with college Deans, invites departments to apply for grants that support a teaching postdoc to work with a team of faculty members who want to implement active learning in their courses. These grants provide a unique opportunity for faculty who are new to active learning and want to learn more or for those who want to expand upon initial efforts in implementing these teaching strategies. This Active Learning Initiative (ALI) competition is open to undergraduate and graduate departments across the university.
Teaching Innovation Awards: Creative Responses to Generative AI
Supported by the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation, the Teaching Innovation Award will recognize creative classroom experiences and teaching implementations, with the goal of inspiring other instructors through the sharing of new ideas, methods, and strategies at Cornell. This year's theme will highlight creative engagements and approaches developed in response to generative AI.
Innovative Teaching & Learning Grants
Supported by the Office of the Provost, the Innovative Teaching & Learning Grants facilitate faculty exploring teaching innovations and emerging technologies that improve undergraduate learning.
Faculty Micro Grants Program
The Faculty Micro Grants Program offers grants for instructors of up to $1500 to support efforts to enhance teaching and learning.