Faculty & Instructors

The CTI offers a range of opportunities to join colleagues in and across disciplines to discuss teaching and learning. Guided by research, explore ideas and techniques you can apply immediately in any learning environment.

Four people talking during a professional development workshop

New Faculty Academy

This series of programs is designed to accelerate new faculty teaching success in their first years at Cornell.

A female professor explains a concept to her student during a class exercise.

Mid-Semester Feedback Program

This confidential program assists faculty members in obtaining student feedback about the course when there is still time to adapt and improve.

Big Red Teaching Days Program

Big Red Teaching Days

Big Red Teaching Days is a week-long program that provides faculty a collegial opportunity to informally observe and learn about how their peers approach teaching and learning across a range of courses and learning environments.

Diverse Classrooms at Cornell

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom is a four-week, self-paced online course for anyone with teaching responsibilities at Cornell, at any level of diversity expertise. 

Instructor throws a “catch box” microphone to a student in a large lecture class that is part of the Active Learning Initiative

Classroom Observations

Class observations create an entry point into deep conversations about teaching practices.

Faculty discussing around a table

Meet with Us 

We offer individuals, teaching teams, and departments formative, confidential consultations on teaching and learning. 

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