The New Faculty Teaching Academy offers a newly-designed series of programs to accelerate new faculty teaching success during their first few years at Cornell. Sequenced over 3 years with a time commitment of 8–14 hours per year, the Academy gives new faculty opportunities to design ready-to-use teaching materials, discuss best practices in teaching, receive feedback on their teaching, and develop strategies for inclusive teaching in diverse classrooms.
The first year begins with a 6-week Teaching Seminar to introduce guiding principles and practices foundational to great university teaching and take concrete steps to prepare faculty to teach. Its second goal is to build a cohort of peers so new instructors feel connected with the Cornell community and supported by the resources and expertise on campus. See the schedule overview below for more details on the content of the academy.
Learning Outcomes
The academy strives to help new faculty:
feel included in a Cornell community built around ongoing conversations on best strategies for creating meaningful, vibrant, dynamic learning experiences for our students
explore ways to confidently implement effective teaching strategies that facilitate student learning
create inclusive learning environments where all Cornell’s diverse students and instructors can thrive
establish practices for assessing their own teaching and teaching progress
document and share their teaching development for tenure and promotion
Schedule Overview
Year 1: Introduction to Teaching at Cornell
New Faculty Teaching Seminar: Faculty will meet in a multi-disciplinary peer cohort for six sessions to learn about best practices in university teaching with a focus on practical advice and strategies they can apply in their classes (Fall semester)
Mid-Semester Feedback Program: Faculty can meet with a consultant from CTI to discuss student feedback from a mid-semester survey and how they might adjust their course (Fall and Spring semesters)
Mutual mentoring: CTI will pair new faculty who participated in the teaching seminar and provide structure for peer mentoring discussions (Spring semester)
New faculty lunch: New faculty are invited to a lunchtime conversation about teaching successes and challenges and their experiences as new faculty (Spring semester)
Year 1 total expected time commitment: 12-14 hrs
Year 2: Develop Your Practice
In the year two 6-session learning community of the NFA, we invite you to continue to develop your teaching practice, troubleshoot challenges from your current teaching in a supportive community, and explore identity-affirming strategies that set the groundwork for an inclusive learning climate.
The program will invite you to:
consider the syllabus as an intellectual journey map and inclusivity builder
contemplate your “teaching persona” and become more aware of how social differences and different lived experiences affect how we (and students) engage in teaching and learning
apply strategies for supporting a sense of belonging in the classroom
Class Observation: Faculty may arrange to have one of their classes observed by a CTI consultant with a follow-up discussion (Fall or Spring Semester)
New faculty lunch: Each year, new faculty are invited to a lunchtime conversation about teaching successes and challenges and their experiences as new faculty (Spring semester)
Year 2 total expected time commitment: 12-14 hours
Year 3: Documenting Your Teaching Development
In the third year of the teaching academy, a series of four sessions will help you reflect on your teaching development and prepare a teaching dossier and teaching statement needed for 3rd-year reviews, tenure, and promotion decisions.
New faculty lunch: Each year, new faculty are invited to a lunchtime conversation about teaching successes and challenges and their experiences as new faculty (Spring semester).
Year 3 total expected time commitment: 6-8 hours
Joining the Academy
The academy is designed for tenure-track faculty and lecturers within their first three years at Cornell. Year 1 runs every Fall semester, and faculty can join anytime during their first three years at Cornell. Some new faculty like to start right away in their first semester, while others prefer to wait a year or two.
Contact CTI to participate or for more information about the academy.