Course Design Institute
What is the Course Design Institute?
The Course Design Institute (CDI) is a two-day institute of working sessions and guided discussions led by CTI staff that focuses on course design, promoting student engagement and active learning, evaluating student learning, and syllabus design.
Topics covered in the institute include the following:
- Introduction to backwards course design: A learner-centered approach
- Instructional strategies that support student learning
- Assessing student learning
- Constructing a syllabus
Who can attend?
The institute is open to 20 Cornell faculty. All disciplines are welcome and encouraged to participate.
When is the Course Design Institute?
The Course Design Institute took place June 4-5, 2024.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this two-day institute, you will be able to:
- describe key dimensions of backward, learner-centered course design
- construct and evaluate learning outcomes for your course
- determine approaches to assess student learning in your course
- identify active learning strategies appropriate for the learning outcomes based on research about how people learn
- align assessments, active learning strategies, and learning outcomes for your course
- outline the considerations and components of a learner-centered syllabus
Registration Process & Deadline
The Course Design Institute took place June 4-5, 2024.
Please contact us with any questions about the Institute.
Please note that there may be photographers from the Center at this event. The photos may appear on the CTI website or on our Twitter page. Contact us if you do not wish to be photographed.