
Sustain inclusive learning environments where students feel a sense of belonging and can thrive

Diversity is one of five key synergistic and often interdependent domains, along with innovation, evidence-based teaching, technology, and assessment & evaluation, that guide the resources, services, and mission of the CTI.

Our classrooms reflect our increasingly diverse society. As Cornell promotes teaching and learning environments with verve, we benefit from an intentional process of exploration and application of strategies drawn from social and educational research, neuroscience, and our collective experiences. Our programs, through a process of interdisciplinary collegial reflection and discernment, serve to share diverse perspectives, knowledge, and teaching practices.

Diversity Programming

Our programming includes confidential individual- and committee- or department-level consultations, an online course for anyone teaching, institutes and workshops for faculty and graduate students and postdocs.

Invite a facilitator to your department meeting, retreat, teaching community luncheon, or diversity committee to explore opportunities, discuss inclusive teaching from your disciplinary standpoint, launch a semester with new strategies, or to work as a community toward a shared goal focused on inclusion.


Diverse Classrooms at Cornell

Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom

The Center for Teaching Innovation is offering a new online course, Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom. This course is open to the Cornell teaching community, in a cohort, college, department, or as an individual, with all disciplines and any level of diversity expertise welcome.

Close-up of faculty member smiling while engaged in a discussion

Inclusive Teaching Institute

The Inclusive Teaching Institute for Graduate Students and Postdocs is an opportunity to explore diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education learning environments. This interactive workshop invites you to reflect and connect with graduate students and postdocs to share knowledge, explore how and why social identities come into play in the learning environment, consider how to remove barriers and increase accessibility, and create a plan to support student learning.

A class holding class time outside

Teaching Digital Storytelling

Storytelling is an inclusive pedagogy, and this 7-week institute is an opportunity to make a story and design an assignment, whether you’d like to explore providing students with options for making and demonstrating knowledge or want to help students communicate complex ideas in meaningful and creative ways. 

Curriculum Mapping for Diversity & Inclusion

This consultative service guides academic programs through the curriculum mapping process, with a specific focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion outcomes.