Classroom Observation Program

Class observations create an entry point into deep conversations about teaching practices. By providing another set of eyes in the classroom, CTI observers can partner with faculty members to reflect on what is going well and what might further support student success. Observations can be done on their own or to complement other CTI programming such as mid-semester feedback. 

Faculty (tenure-track, lecturers) can request one observation per class each semester.


The core values of our program ensure that CTI classroom observations are:


The teaching conversation that follows the observation is key to the process. The conversation should be an opportunity for reflection by the instructor about what is going well and to explore what they might want to try differently. The CTI observer will help start the conversation by beginning with questions such as “What did you think went well? What was the best part of the class for you? Is there any part that you think could have gone better?”

Formative, offering developmental feedback

The feedback will balance appreciation for what the instructor is doing well with what they can build on. A goal will be to identify 2-3 specific aspects that could be improved. CTI observers can help faculty identify next steps or strategies they may want to try. 


CTI staff will not share their comments on the instructor’s teaching with others (especially with department chairs, deans etc).


CTI observations are not to be used to evaluate instructors for tenure or promotion. Instructors may share their own experiences and reflections on the process within their own tenure files if they wish.


In keeping with the confidential and developmental nature of CTI observations, this program is intended solely for the faculty member's reflective development as an instructor. Neither this program, nor any of the specific feedback provided, is offered as part of any formal evaluation or review process.


Process Overview

  • Contact the Center by submitting this consultation request form to schedule an observation.
  • Choose a class session to be observed. This session can be a typical class or it can be unique in some way.
  • Discuss what you would like your observer to pay particular attention to during a brief pre-observation meeting.
  • During the post-observation debriefing, receive and review your feedback and discuss possible goals and strategies to try.
  • Consider participating in multiple observations over several semesters to revisit your teaching performance and to document your development as an instructor.

Register Anytime

All teaching faculty can request one observation per class, per semester. Please complete this brief request form to plan a CTI classroom observation.