Known Issues with LabArchives

LabArchives Server Outage (Sept 19, 2022)

LabArchives' US servers were down for approximately 45 minutes in the evening of 19 Sept 2022 (approximately 6:45pm - 7:30pm ET). If you believe you are experiencing any problems that might be related to this outage, please contact

LabArchives Server Outage (July 28, 2020)

LabArchives' US servers were down for approximately 20 minutes in the morning of 28 July 2020 (approximately 6:40am - 7am ET). The outage was caused by an issue with AWS, and was quickly resolved. If you believe you are experiencing any problems that might be related to this outage, please contact

LabArchives SSO Login Issues (Jan 23, 2020)

Users were unable to use Single Sign On to access LabArchives’ US servers for approximately 20 minutes the afternoon of 23 Jan 2020 (1:47 – 2:12 PM EST). If you believe you are experiencing any problems that might be related to this outage, please contact us at

LabArchives Server Outage (Feb 12, 2019)

LabArchives’ US servers were down from for approximately 15 minutes the morning of 12 Feb 2019 (10:12 – 10:23 AM EST). The outage was caused by a inaccessible server due to an underlying hardware failure at AWS.  The failing server instance was brought back online on new underlying hardware at AWS, and access was resolved quickly. If you believe you are experiencing any problems that might be related to this outage, please contact us at

LabArchives Server Maintenance Scheduled (Dec 20, 2017)

LabArchives will be unavailable on US servers on December 24 12am-2am EST for maintenance. We apologize for any inconvenience; please contact (before Jan 3) or (once campus has re-opened) if you have questions or problems getting back online after the update.

LabArchives Server Maintenance Scheduled (July 23, 2017)

LabArchives will be taking the US server offline for maintenance July 23, 2017 at 1am EDT for approximately four hours. We apologize for any inconvenience; please contact if you have questions or problems getting back online after the update.

LabArchives Server Maintenance Scheduled (November 17, 2016)

LabArchives will be taking the US server offline for maintenance November 26 at 1am EST for approximately an hour. We apologize for any inconvenience; please contact if you have questions or problems getting back online after the update.

LabArchives Server Maintenance (August 2, 2016)

LabArchives will be taking the US server offline for maintenance Aug 3 at 1am EDT for 20-30 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience; please contact if you have questions or problems getting back online after the upgrade.

LabArchives Server Maintenance (July 22, 2016)

LatArchives’ US Servers will be down for maintenance for three hours – July 23, from 1am-3am EDT. There will be a banner displayed when you log on to the site to remind users. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at

LabArchives Server Outage (Mar 31, 2016)

LabArchives’ US servers were down from approximately 11pm – 2:30am March 30-31. During that time, users would not have been able to access their ELN(s). The outage was caused by a storage volume issue on the AWS servers, but was resolved quickly, and we are assured that no data were lost as a result of the storage issue. If you believe you are experiencing any problems that might be related to this outage, please contact us at

Shibboleth Authentication Server down (posted Feb 11, 2016)  

UPDATED 11:45am – LabArchives authentication Servers are back up and working. Please let us know if you have any troubles logging in.

Cornell has received notice that the LabArchives Shibboleth authentication server is temporarily down. They are working to address this issue, but until it is resolved, users will be unable to access their Cornell LabArchives accounts. We apologize for any hassle this creates and will post here again as soon as things are resolved.

Rich Text Editor Issue with Macs (posted Jan 26, 2016)

Mac users with Safari 9.0.3 (11601.4.4) on OS X 10.11: The latest update in Safari causes the scrolling function in a Rich Text Entry with the Mac touchpad to fail.  According to Lab Archives, this is a known issue for Safari and they are waiting for Safari to release a patch or update that will resolve the issue.

In the interim, switching to a different browser or using an external mouse provide a solution.

LabArchives Schedule Maintenance: Downtime expected! (posted Sept 26, 2014)

Due to an upcoming Amazon AWS server reboot, LabArchives has announced an expected period of unavailability this weekend: Saturday 27 Sept, 8pm EDT, for approximately 2-3 hours. Please plan accordingly!

Rich Text Editing Bug with iOS 8.0. (posted Sept 24, 2014)

From Lab Archives: “We have been doing testing with both our App and the browser-based version of LabArchives, and while most features work fine, there are some anomalies with the rich text editor.  Tapping “Enter” at the end of a line will sometimes cause the cursor to jump to the beginning of the entry, rather than to the beginning of a new line. The cursor will also sometimes disappear while editing. Cursor problems can be temporarily resolved by Saving the entry and Editing again.  We are investigating a fix for this issue and hope to have a minor update to correct these editing issues soon.”

Microsoft Plug-In for LabArchives gives “Incorrect server address” error when logging in. (posted June 9, 2014)

LabArchives is currently working to resolve a server error that occurs during login when using the Microsoft Plug-In from on the Cornell campus. The plug-in continues to work when accessing a notebook from off-campus locations. We will post a notification here when this issue is resolved.

LabArchives freezes when using Chrome Version 35? (posted June 5, 2014)

Users have reported problems working in LabArchives when using Chrome v35 (35.0.1916.114 m, released May 20, 2014).

Specifically, if one tries to print a LabArchives Page, and then returns to the original LabArchives tab without printing (or by closing the “print” Tab), LabArchives may “hang” or act in an unstable manner.

This has been reported by non-LabArchives users as well (see the discussion here).

Since this is bug in Chrome, LabArchives will not be addressing it in their software, but have been told that the issue has been corrected in Chrome Version 36 (currently in beta).

Trouble creating a new notebook?

When creating a new notebook in LabArchives, make sure the name is more than 4 characters in length.