Events, Workshops & Institutes
CTI offers a range of programming to support faculty and graduate students, and help enhance teaching and learning at Cornell. All of our events are also listed on our Event Calendar and the Cornell Events Calendar, where you can filter by those relevant to your interests or teaching needs.
Events and workshops are typically standalone offerings focused on active learning, learning technologies, generative A.I., XR/VR, and more. Our institutes, such as the Active Learning Institute, Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom, and others, offer more long-term, immersive experiences to transform a course.
Questions about our program offerings? Contact CTI for more information.

Teaching Events & Workshops
Find our upcoming offerings about teaching strategies and resources, including our "The Art of Teaching" series, and collaborations with the Provost's Working Group for Innovation and Assessment and other campus partners.

Teaching with Technology Workshops
Join your colleagues in workshops that explore Generative AI digital storytelling, and XR/VR in the classroom, along with our learning technologies workshops for Canvas, online peer review, polling software, and more.

Faculty Institutes
Join collegial communities for immersive experiences to transform a course. This includes the Active Learning, Teaching Digital Storytelling, and Course Design Institutes.

Graduate Programming
Our graduate teaching institutes and workshops offer opportunities to develop your teaching skills, gain theoretical grounding and practical strategies, and connect with fellow teaching graduate students and postdocs.

Past Workshop Recordings
View workshops and webinars on teaching strategies and teaching with technology, such as Canvas, Ally, and Poll Everywhere.