Faculty Institutes

Join collegial communities for immersive experiences to transform a course. Contact us by telephone, email, or drop into the Center for more information.

Fall 2024 Institutes

New Faculty Teaching Academy

The New Faculty Teaching Academy offers a newly designed series of programs to accelerate new faculty teaching success during their first few years at Cornell. Sequenced over 3 years with a time commitment of 8–14 hours per year, the Academy gives new faculty opportunities to design ready-to-use teaching materials, discuss best practices in teaching, receive feedback on their teaching, and develop strategies for inclusive teaching in diverse classrooms. 

Year One: Registration for Year One participants in the New Faculty Teaching Seminar will open in summer 2024. Visit New Faculty Teaching Seminar for more information, and eligibility requirements for future sessions.

Years Two & Three: Previous Year One participants will be contacted directly via email to participate in Year Two.

Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom

Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom is a four-week, instructor-paced online course for anyone with teaching responsibilities at Cornell, at any level of diversity expertise. Modules explore strategies for inclusive course design, social identity and self-reflection, and pedagogical practices that effectively support student engagement and a sense of belonging across difference.

Additional Institutes 

The institutes listed below are not currently scheduled but will be offered again in the future. 

Academic Assessment Institute

The Academic Assessment Institute offers faculty an opportunity to develop strategies for meaningful classroom- and major-level assessment practice. Faculty are welcome to attend either or both days of this two-day institute, depending on their interests and needs.

Active Learning Institute

The Active Learning Institute offers a variety of teaching techniques that help students process and practice what they are learning.  If you are new to active learning or have tried it before and are looking for creative ideas to energize and deepen learning in your classroom, this three-session institute will help you through the process of designing learning activities that work for your discipline.

Course Design Institute

The Course Design Institute is a two-day institute of working sessions and guided discussions led by CTI staff that focus on course design, promoting student engagement and active learning, evaluating student learning, and syllabus design.

Design for Online Institute

During the Design for Online Institute, discuss the benefits of online and blended learning, ways to engage and assess students online, and how to build a community of peers. Offered as a one-day institute and as a more in-depth, online course.

Faculty Institute on Community-Engaged Learning & Teaching

The Faculty Institute on Community-Engaged Learning & Teaching is a two-day retreat where you will learn how to make your course an engaged one by turning interest into action. Co-Sponsored by the David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement.

Teaching Digital Storytelling: From the Creative Process to Assignment Design

Digital storytelling allows story creators and their audiences to transform and engage through the power of narrative. The Teaching Digital Storytelling Institute is an opportunity to make a story and design an assignment.