Document Sharing (Box)
What is document sharing?
The cloud-based document sharing service supported by Cornell is Box. Box allows faculty, staff, and students a way to store and share almost any file type in a folder-based structure.
Why use document sharing?
Box allows individuals and groups to share and collaborate on projects. Box has an extensive and detailed permission structure and meets all Cornell’s security requirements. All Cornell students, faculty, and staff have a Box account and can access Box.
Considerations for document sharing
There are many ways to share files at Cornell from wikis to electronic lab notebooks. The best tool for a particular project or class will depend on an instructor’s individual instructional goal(s). Although Box meets all of Cornell's security requirements, it should not be used for highly confidential data.
Getting started with document sharing
All Cornell students, faculty, and staff have Box accounts. No special account request is required. Contact the Center for tips on getting started or explore the Resource Library items on your own.